Make It Happen Loans

Make It Happen Loans

MM Private Banking

Loan for all the things you want in life
Every stage of life is marked by milestones…events and achievements. The key to progressing from one milestone to the other is having access to the tools that will help you reach your goals- to keep you moving successfully to the next stage of life.

At Republic Bank we have created our MAKE IT HAPPEN LOANS to take you through each stage of life, as we aim to assist you with the funds you need for the things you want to do.

What is a loan?

By definition, a loan is an arrangement in which a lender like us gives money to you our customer, and you agree to repay the money, along with interest, at some future point(s) in time.

Why would I need a loan?

Let's say you would like to make a purchase and you do not have the full amount of the purchase price in cash. You can borrow money from us at Republic Bank and sign a loan agreement, which outlines the following:

  1. Your monthly installment
  2. The interest that will be applied to your loan
  3. The period over which you will repay the loan
  4. The collateral, if any, that you have pledged to secure the loan.
Why Would I Take A Loan When I Already Have The Money?

It's simple. So you can keep your savings and investments growing while you continue to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Perhaps an example will help.
Use the equity you have built in your home to improve your family's life. Get a Home Equity Loan to send your children to university, finance home improvement projects, purchase land, install that pool, fund your child's wedding, or even pay for that dream vacation.

Why would I take a Make It Happen Loan? What About Monthly Instalments?

When you're completing your application, your Sales Officer will assist you in determining the terms that best suit your financial needs.

Use our Loan Calculator to help you determine:

How Will I Benefit If I Take A Make It Happen Loan From Republic Bank?

Click here to download the Terms and Conditions for Republic Bank Accounts Brochure. [PDF]
What you will need

Before visiting our branches, ensure you have the following documents:

New/Existing Borrowers

Two (2) forms of valid identification
Job letter (Dated no later than 3 months from the date of application)
Pay slip (current month - monthly paid/ last four weeks – weekly paid)
Proof of address (utility bill, land tax bill, etc.)