Amend Valid Temporary Resident Document

You may request to amend your valid temporary resident document if Canadian immigration officials have made an error in recording the information.

List of temporary resident documents that may be amended:

Study Permit Amendment Eligibility

You may amend your valid study permit only if you are eligible to work on or off-campus without a work permit at the time your current study permit was issued, and one of the following conditions or remarks does not appear on the document:

Note: If you become eligible to work on or off-campus without a work permit after your study permit was issued, you must apply to change the condition on your study permit.

How much does it cost to apply for the amendment?

Application fee: free

How long does it take to apply for the amendment?

To check the processing time on TRV, click here and:

  1. Select “Replacing or amending documents, verifying status”.
  2. Select “Amendments of valid temporary resident documents”.

What documents do I need to apply for amendment?

Prepare the following supporting documents to include with your application: