In 2022, Police officers earned an average of $79,876, $15,194 more than the average national salary of $64,683
The graph shows the ranking of Police officers in relation to all Detailed Occupation in 2022.
Save Image Share / Embed Add Data to CartIn 2022, Police officers had a wage GINI coefficient of 0.291, which is lower than the national average of 0.478. In other words, wages are distributed more evenly for Police officers (shown in red) than for the overall labor force (shown in gray).
The graphic shows the distribution of average salaries by buckets for Police officers compared to the entire workforce in the country.
Save Image Share / EmbedInformation on the industries that employ Police officers and on wages for those in the field. Justice, public order, & safety activities is the industry that employs the most Police officers, both by share and by number, though the highest paid industry for Police officers, by average wage, is Banking & related activities ($115,241).
This graphic shows the share of Police officers employed by various industries. Justice, public order, & safety activities employs the largest share of Police officers at 94.2%, followed by National security & international affairs with 3.62% and Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges with 2.14%.
Save Image Share / Embed Add Data to CartDemographic information on Police officers in the US. The workforce of Police officers in 2022 was 849,915 people, with 14.2% woman, and 85.8% men. The average age of male Police officers in the workforce is 40.2 and of female Police officers is 38.7, and the most common race/ethnicity for Police officers is White.
The workforce of Police officers in 2022 was 849,915 people, with 14.2% woman, and 85.8% men.
The age ranges that concentrated the largest workforce were 30 to 34 years (127,098 people), 25 to 29 years (122,982 people), and 35 to 39 years (121,918 people). Among them they concentrated 43.8% of the total workforce.